This post shares some of our favorite weaving websites and teachers, and also links to some of the weaving resources we have tucked away on our own website.
Are you ready to dive into a whole new world of yarn and fiber? Try weaving! Rigid heddle looms are a perfect gateway to learning the wide and wonderful world of weaving. This post explains how to choose your first rigid heddle loom.
Weaving yarn sizes and their naming system can seem like gibberish when you’re starting out, but it’s good to have basic understanding of yarn sizes so you’ll know if the yarn you are choosing will have the appropriate epi or sett for your project. This post explains what you need to know to get started.
Understanding what makes a good warp yarn is an important skill for every weaver to learn. This post explains how to tell if your yarn will be suitable to use as a warp on your loom.
While there are sometimes differences between yarn that was manufactured specifically for weavers as opposed to specifically for knitters, that doesn’t mean you can’t weave with a yarn that was “meant” for knitting. This blog post explains how to figure out if your "knitting" yarn will work for weaving.
When you're learning to weave, terms like WPI, EPI, and sett can be confusing. This blog post explains each of these terms, and tell you how to calculate all three so you can start weaving with confidence.