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Episode 123: Cultivating a Contemporary Weaving Community with Gather Textiles

In this week’s episode, Sarah is speaking with Angela Kelly and Kim McCollum, the founders of Gather. Gather is a yarn shop and textile studio in Edmonton, Alberta. Their aim is to bring people together to exchange ideas, learn from one another, and to celebrate making things with our hands. We are thrilled that Gather is a Canadian stockist for Gist Yarn carrying our lines of Duet and Mallo.  Comment below to keep the conversation going! 

Gather Textiles

Gather Textiles

Gather Textiles

Gather Textiles

Gather Textiles

Gather Textiles

Creative Commons License

The music for this podcast  is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseThe musical section is an excerpt of the original: The Beauty of Maths by Meydän.

5 Responses

darlene williams
darlene williams

October 22, 2020

i love these two peppy, innovative and sharing souls. they have brought a lot of inspiration to a lot of people! i feel so, so fortunate to have landed in their creative orb. i am so excited to watch GATHER evolve!!!!!!!!

Mavis Arnaud Fruge
Mavis Arnaud Fruge

September 26, 2020

Greetings from South Louisiana!

I am a brown cotton grower. I want to learn to spin and weave. I know my Acadian ancestors were talented, yet very few spinners and weavers in this area. I know of only two. I want to revive those activities . Where do I begin?

We are in the process of establishing a French Immersion Campus in an old hospital. There is a large room that I have selected for our Textile Dept. Saint Luc French Immersion Campus and Cultural Center should be operating next yr, we hope. want to come to Louisiana and teach us??

Laurie G Jenkins
Laurie G Jenkins

September 22, 2020

the weaving stories are so inspirational!

Anita Prickett
Anita Prickett

September 21, 2020

I love these young women. I found them on Instagram a few weeks/months ago and have loved how they’ve presented their web presence.

Doris Strand
Doris Strand

September 21, 2020

what a FUN podcast! the energy of these 2 is wonderful. i knew even before the podcast came to an end, i would be following them. thanks for finding this unique shop & allowing them to share their stories.

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