You have reached the top secret page for members of Weaver's PlayBox # 3! Please don't share this link ;-)
Download your pattern here. Please note, this is Version 4, with the following changes made from Version 1:
Page 4: Under "Shawl" warp yardage the light was changed from 407 to 385.
Page 12: Shawl Specs updated to reflect the chart on page 14
Page 14: Charts updated to reflect a narrower center light stripe in colorwork repeat on either edge (see caption on page 13).
Page 16: Page references updated, they were 2 pages off.
Changes made from Version 2:
Page 4: Under "Cravat" warp yardage, the light was changed from 132 to 99.
Page 15: Cravat Specs updated to reflect corrected chart on page 16
Page 16: Updated chart to change selvedge threads from L to D and to reflect the single crammed light warp in the colorwork repeat.
Page 14: Fig 15 and 16 changed the caption to read "Shawl" instead of "Slole".
Changes made from Version 3:
Page 4: Added in the Crowdcast link
I regret any errors that cause you a moment's pause in your weaving journey —Liz
The event is hosted on Crowdcast. If you are joining on a tablet or smartphone there is an app available. If you have a choice of browsers, the platform works best in Chrome.