In this weeks episode LaChaun speaks withauthor and maker Melanie Falick. Melanie traveled across continentsto meet quilters and potters, weavers and painters, metalsmiths, printmakers, woodworkers, and more, all to uncover truths that have been speaking to us for millennia yet feel urgently relevant today.
Wouter de Vries and Dorothe Swinkels of Textile Plus magazine. Textile Plus is a Dutch magazine and website that’s published every three months showcasing works of textile artists around the globe.
Fibreshare is one of those beautiful weaving institutions that make our community so special. Founded in 2015, FibreShare is at its very basic an international yarn swap.
Susan shares about her journey to becoming Editor, her tips for submitting projects or article to Handwoven, what a week-in-the-life of working on Handwoven is like, her tips for weavers, and so much more.